Portable Pollinator Garden

Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, United States

Create a container garden for pollinators!

Wednesday Walkabouts

Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, United States

Get outside and discover Jenkins with us!


Butterflies and Their Caterpillars

Learn how to ID and support the butterflies found in your backyard.Butterflies and Their Caterpillars Thursday, June 16, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Presented by Samantha Nestory, Horticulturist, Stoneleigh: a natural garden The beauty of butterflies has been extolled for centuries – and for good reason! These delicate insects are a hallmark of warm weather and lend grace to the garden with their vibrant colors and gentle demeanor. However, butterflies need more than just flowers and
