Tai Chi (2/19 – 3/12)

Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens 631 Berwyn Baptist Road, Devon, PA, United States

Join us for a 4-week indoor Tai Chi seriesWEDNESDAYS SERIESTai Chi9:30–10:30 AM4-week series: 2/19 – 3/12Aimée Alegría Barry, Centaur Tai ChiTai Chi, a series of postures done slowly, promotes balance, […]

Mindful Yoga (2/20 – 3/27)

Take time out of your busy schedule to practice Mindful YogaMindful YogaTHURSDAYS | 6-week series: 2/20 – 3/279:30 – 10:45 AMJanet Muti, Yoga InstructorOur Mindful Yoga practice consists of gentle […]

Wildlife Habitats to Attract Backyard Birds

Create it and they will come! Get tips on creating a backyard habitat that benefits wildlife.THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20Wildlife Habitats to Attract Backyard Birds7:00–8:30 PMPat Sutton, Educator, Naturalist, and AuthorCreate it […]
