Halesia carolina
2006 – Carolina Silverbell The silverbell is considered to be one of the best native trees for shady sites. It…
Ilex opaca
2005 – American Holly The American Holly is a native evergreen tree that can grow to 60 feet. It has…
Asimina triloba
2004 – Common Pawpaw The pawpaw is one of the more exotic looking trees native to this region. This understory…
Cercis canadensis
2003 – Eastern Redbud The eastern redbud is a small, deciduous tree reaching heights of 20 to 30 feet with…
Carex plantaginea
2014 – Plantainleaf Sedge Plantainleaf or “Seersucker” Sedge is a shade tolerant evergreen ornamental perennial from the Cyperaceae or Sedge…
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